Physiotherapy is anchored by the promotion of health and wellness. Physiotherapists are experts in restoring mobility, strength and physical function. They are often used to manage acute and chronic conditions, restore activity limitations, and improve physical performance. Physiotherapists can also rehabilitate injury and the effects of disease or disability with specialized hands-on clinical skills and therapeutic exercise programs. Education and prescribed maintenance and support programs help patients to prevent re-occurrence, re-injury or functional decline.

At Health HUB, we believe that Physiotherapy is not something you ‘get’ but rather something you ‘do’. Active participation in your health is an expectation. Health HUB Physiotherapy means helping people heal through regular, one-on-one appointments, using the latest in evidence-based treatment guidelines and developing a personalized plan to help patients bridge the gap from their current capabilities to their physical goals. We do this in a time-sensitive manner, whether it means helping you return to work, recreation or sports.
Your 45-60 minute initial assessment and 30-45 minute follow-up physio treatment sessions include uninterrupted time with your therapist, in a quiet setting. Treatment may include:

• Joint mobilizations and manipulations
• Soft tissue release
• Acupuncture
• Individualized exercise prescription
• Sports injury rehab
• Post-operative rehab
• Self-management tools and information you need to enhance your health, resilience and performance.

Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.
-Albert Einstein

Book an appointment today and stop the insanity.
